Grace Episcopal Church is pleased to present this Request for Letters of Interest to develop affordable housing on their church site in Martinez. The church is seeking proposals from qualified respondents to enter into negotiations with regarding the development and operation of a housing project on the church’s underutilized land.
This Request for Letters of Interest grows out of the Church’s long-term goals to better utilize their real estate to serve the needs of the community with new housing. The church currently owns and occupies a 6.16-acre parcel. The 6.16-acre parcel consists of approximately 1.5 acres of church buildings and parking lot, approximately 1.0 acres of undeveloped vacant land, with the remaining acreage consisting of undeveloped hillside.
The church is interested in developing the property, particularly the undeveloped vacant land (approximately +/- 1.0 acres), for much needed housing, and is requesting letters of interest from developers and development partners. Ideally, the church is seeking a partner to develop the site, via a long-term ground lease, which will provide re-occurring revenue to the church while also providing much needed housing for the community. While the preference is for affordable housing, the church is open to discussions on how to accomplish the housing goal while also proving the project is feasible.
All proposed projects must account for the church remaining on site with an adequate parking area. Creative solutions are encouraged. The selected proposer will be expected to deliver a residential development that achieves the church’s goals in coordination with the City of Martinez’s planning requirements. Currently, the site holds a general plan land designation of R7-12 which allows for 7-12 residential units per acre. To maximize the number of allowable units, the church is seeking a development partner qualified to lead the entitlements on this project, potentially including, but not limited to, the inclusion of applicable density bonuses, zoning variances, zoning change and/or General Plan Amendment.