Vallejo City Unified School District is the current owner of 17.24 acres of land located on the west side of Rollingwood Drive, north of the intersection of Rollingwood Drive and Benicia Road in Vallejo. The Property is offered “as-is” and it is the District’s goal is to accommodate the highest and best price from the best qualified bidder.
- Proposal Deadline: Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 2:00pm
- Location: Rollingwood Drive, Vallejo, CA 94591
- APNs: 0072-170-050 | 11.71 acres; and 0072-170-060 | 6.01 acres
- Total Size: approximately 17.24 acres
- Minimum Price: $4,800,000
All proposals shall be submitted to:
Mr. Mitchell Romao, Assistant Superintendent of Operations
Vallejo City Unified School District
665 Walnut Avenue
Vallejo, CA 94592
The official Request For Proposals and Statements of Qualification includes further information regarding submittal process, requirements and property information and can be found on the District’s homepage: