People have restored and repurposed old churches across the country. You never know what stories an old church can tell. Credit: Flickr CC user Want2Know Churches used to be the cornerstone of a growing town. Oftentimes, they are the oldest buildings in a community, and the setting of a city’s most famous moments. These seemingly
A converted church can be a great place for a house, and a great way to preserve your parish legacy. Image from Wikimedia Historically, conversions have been a pretty big source of trouble when it comes to churches. Martin Luther didn’t convert, per se, but a lot of people converted after him, and that caused
Churches may not have money machines on hand when times get tough, but some churches have found the next best thing. Image source: Flickr CC user Images of Money It would nice if America’s churches had money machines on hand to spit out cash when times get tough. For some churches, times have gotten especially
Schools are becoming a popular option for churches looking for a temporary or semi-permanent location. However, sometimes these moves can be controversial. Across the country, public schools are letting churches move into their buildings, unpack trailers filled with portable sanctuaries, and convert gyms and auditoriums into worship centers for the day. A new church that
While the improving times could give churches and nonprofits more opportunities, they also have more opportunities for mistakes. Image source: Flickr CC user MarkMoz12 After weathering one of the nation’s harshest downturns, churches and nonprofits have some reasons to be optimistic about the current economic climate. The U.S. economy added another 295,000 jobs in February
As credit loosens, churches will have more options to borrow money for building projects. The question is, should they? Image source: Flickr CC user susieq3c Across the U.S., banks and lenders are loaning money again, giving churches the chance to borrow money for buildings and expansions. After one of the worst foreclosure crises in the
The next time you pass a church, look up and take a closer look at its steeple. There is a reasonably good chance it’s a cell phone tower. Churches have been loading wireless antennas on their steeples, bell towers, and spires, and also on rooftop crosses, trees, and billboard signs on the property. In some
Church designs range from the traditional to the modern, and the only ‘right’ church design for the 21st Century is the one that best reflects the mission and personality of the church. Image source: Flickr CC user Laurelville Memorial Church Center At a time when many churches are struggling with attendance and members are aging,
Seven years ago, Interbay Covenant Church was an older congregation that did church in the traditional way, singings hymns from the bible in a quiet, brick church in Seattle. Across the street at the Quest Church, a much younger flock came to services in sandals and shorts and sang along to a rock band

Image source: Flickr CC user brett jordan A Tampa Bay church recently did what many larger churches are doing these days: it opened two new branch campuses in other towns. Unlike in the past, however, the lead pastor doesn’t have to travel from church to church and give the odd sermon at a far-flung outpost. Many regular attendees have never seen him in the flesh – and don’t feel they need to. That’s because they can watch his message live every Sunday on a 9-by-16 foot screen, when it’s broadcast via satellite.

Image source: Flickr CC user Katrin We’ve just heard two different stories about congregations that planted churches. The aptly named Church of the Open Door recently started a new church in Vermilion, Ohio. When the congregation went looking for buildings this past summer, an opportunity to buy a former school administrative office seemed to fall from heaven. About 70 families are pleased to report that they’ll no longer have to drive 20 minutes to their main campus in the next town for Sunday services. By all accounts, their church planting is going well. So far, so good.